As an Area Owner and Operator of a Home Matters Caregiving franchise, I am committed to ensuring exceptional outcomes for our valued clients and caregivers. My passion for elevating our service quality is matched by my role as a blogger and social media manager for the franchise, where I share insights, updates, and foster community engagement. Prior to senior care, I used my strategic communication and brand development skills as the Marketing Director of a regional bank. My diverse experience supports my commitment to excellence and innovation in both healthcare and digital communication.
Digital health technologies can reinvigorate the aged population
It is a fact that people are living longer. By the year 2020, there will be more people in the U.S. population 65 years of age and older than under five. With this upward trend comes the challenge of how we effectively deliver care to the elderly. According to Dr. Joseph Kvedar, Vice President of Connected Health, a subsidiary of Partners Healthcare, if we don’t come up with a solution, we will eventually run out of professional caregivers to deliver care. One way to meet this challenge is deliver care with remote monitoring technology rather than office visits. Catalia Health already has a robot in development for in-home aging care.
Key Takeaways:
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Tyler Williams
Caregiver of the Month – Austin Smith
Visits and Valentines